Technical details of the website
This site was hand-coded in html, php and css, with a smattering of jquery here and there, using the excellent Coda development tool for Mac OS X. The news section of the site is powered by Wordpress. The site is hosted by the chaps at Dreamhost, and I can highly recommend their services as they've kept me happy for the past five years. If you use the promo code TAILINGUA when signing up, you'll get a free domain registration into the bargain.
The site has been tested in Firefox, Safari, and Opera for the Mac; Firefox and Chrome for Windows; and Firefox and Konqueror for Linux (Ubuntu 9.10).
About the author
This site was put together by Michael Cannings, a Brit resident in Tiong-hô, Sin-pak-chhī (Zhonghe, New Taipei City), in northern Taiwan. In my day job I am a manager in an export-oriented high-tech manufacturer. I moved to Taiwan in 2002 and have lived in both Tâi-lâm (Tainan) and Tâi-pak (Taipei).
Despite what the content of the site may lead you to believe, I am not a fluent Taiwanese speaker, but hopefully I'm improving all the time (at least slowly). I do speak and write Mandarin and German, so if you'd like to get in touch using either of those languages, please feel free.